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Case of Viborg

In march 2018, the municipality of Viborg in Denmark completed their project for street lighting. Viborg chose the Eco-system in Dollerup because there was too much light before.

– We chose the infix controllers and a gateway because we needed the lights to dim in the night and the possibility to change settings in Dollerup, says Allan Solberg Sørensen project leader at Energi Viborg Elteknik.

Viborg invested in Citygrid to increase citizen safety, improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

– Citygrid can solve issues with too much light. It can solve problems with broken luminaries in remote towns, so we know if there is an issue with the luminaries. We hope the users will feel that we reduce the amount of light pollution in the area. The benefit we hope to provide is that the users of our system will feel that they have the right amount of light, and have a comfortable lighting, so that the light will not be 100 percent when there is no one who will use it. We usually dim to 20 percent when there is no detection, says Allan Solberg Sørensen.

Viborg used the app to make a motion graph and when they installed the luminaries in the right location with the right settings.

– It is easy to use the Seneco app to install all the luminaries and the gateway. We can remotely monitor and change settings for the luminaries after the installation of the gateway.

The municipality of Viborg is positive in using Citygrid in the future.

– We will continue to use the Citygrid system in the future, because I think it is an innovative way to control the luminaries and make sure there is the right amount of light when there is a need for the light.

"It is easy to use the Seneco app to install all the luminaries and the gateway, we used the app to make a motion graph and install the luminaries in the right location with the right settings"

Allan Solberg Sørensen, Projectleader, Energi Viborg Elteknik A/S